This is a passion project. Originally intended to be a landing site and url for several services (mastodon, matrix among other), it has ballooned out into a full campaign management platform, currently focus on the Adventure Conqueror King II system. With this has come some new idea, which are current in progess. Namely, a new take on the rpg forum and recruiting tool as a whole. In the future I will be accepting user signups to start maintaining their own campaigns, and using this as a tool to see other campaigns currently in progress. The end goal is to bring back a sort of semi-public method of campaign management. Similiar to seeing an ongoing campaign in the wild. Please take a look around, and enjoy your stay.
Proudly made with golang and htmx. You may see the source code here. Be warned, it is not for the faint of heart. The source code is licensed under AGPL 3.0

Contact and Contribute
I can be contacted via email at shocktohp@floodedrealms.com I can also be found at various places online such as my homepage and on substack. I also hang out in various OSR and adjacent discords and on twitter. If you want to support my work, and help me pay for a UI designer, you may do so by either buying something I've written or donating to my patreon Finally, if you are software inclined, you may contribute via a pull request to the github repo.
Are you the handsome and very intellegent intelligent author of Wavestone Keep?
Do you have brain damage? This UI is awful
I am not a front end developer, nor do I claim to be. It is a known issue and being worked on.
English and Anglish? Really?
Yes. The internet needs more whimsy, and I will provide it.