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The Guild is the matrix homeserver of Borderland Keep. Matrix is a text and voice* service that seeks to replace things like discord, guilded, telegram and other such messaging platforms. The main appeal of matrix is that similiar to email (and the irc of yore) it is decentralized. That means a signup on any matrix Homeserver will allow a user to access all matrix spaces and pages. No need to maintain multiple logins for various services and clients. If you wish to use the Borderland Keep homeserver, this guide will show you how.

How to join

Joining the Borderland Keep matrix space is very simple. Just click on this link or use the one in the side bar. You will be greeted by a page similiar to the one shown here. You may use any of the suggested clients, but Element will be the most familiar to users of discord/guilded. After selecting a client, you will be asked to sign up. You may simply use the matrix.org homeserver. Sign up is free, and you will then be linked to the Space. That simple really

Landing Page

The sign up page looks like this: Account Creation screen

What is the "homeserver"

A homeserver is exactly what is sounds like, it is the server where your matrix account lives, and where spaces are hosted. You may notice that your username after sign up looks somewhat like a twitter handle, with the form @username:matrix.org this means that your account is tied to the matrix.org homeserver, hosted by Element's dev team. Once that is done, you are free to access any space or dm any account on other homeservers that talk to the matrix one. Many spaces are hosted directly in matrix, including some other ttrpg and hobby ones.

What about the Borderland Keep Homeserver?

There is a unique homeserver for Borderland Keep: guild.borderlandkeep.com. You may notice some users have this as their homeserver instead of matrix.org. Currently, account creation on the homeserver is invite-only, meaning an account has to be made on the server directly by an admin. To get an invite at the moment, you will need to be able to contribute to the project in some capacity, however in the future there will likely be a semi-public way to allow signups (likely through a subscription). The reasons behind this are many, but the main two are:

  1. Running this service costs money and time. The more accounts on the homeserver, the more money it costs. Keeping homeserver invite only to start with keeps costs low.
  2. Maintaining good account security is difficult, and I am a single developer. The team that maintains the matrix.org homeserver is much bigger and they take their jobs very seriously.
However, because of the nature of matrix, your homeserver of choice is largely irrelevant, as you are free to interact with the whole ecosystem at once.